

Dept.of ST



Hearing and speech rehabilitation department is earliest special department for treating and research of different kinds of hearing and speech-language disorders in China. The department owns many modern devices, such as audiometers, phono-laryngograph, and hearing aid testing system, visit-pitch and different speech-language test battery. Professor Li Sheen Li and other doctors and speech therapists have a lot of experience. Aphasia, dysarthria,delayed language development,hearing disorder,speech disorder of cerebral palsy, stutter can be evaluated ,diagnosed and intevented. The patients can get best hearing aid fitting and intervention here. More than five thousands patients have been intervented since 1988.Fifteen national speech and hearing therapy courses and four speech disorder seminars have been held and more than seven hundreds speech therapists and clinicians coming from different part of China have been trained in our department.We set up speech and hearing rehabilitation international cooperation unit in 2000.We has been keeping intimate academics communication with the developed countries in this field.

Speech and hearing disorders are varied and quite complicated .But, if the patients can get formal intervention, their disorder will be improved or recovered. Therefore, Please speech and hearing disorder patients come to our department for evaluation and therapy early .They will return to their family and society early.

Telephone No.0086-10-87569533